Hourglass Group presents
the Hourglass Solo Lab in

Three nights only! 
December 9, 12, 14 @ 8pm

Sunday December 9 at 8pm:
Stacey Karen Robinson
Raquel Cion
Yolanda Shoshana
Abigail Gampel

Wednesday December 12 at 8pm:
Veronique Jeanmarie
Abigail Gampel
Christen Clifford
Natalia de Campos

Friday December 14 at 8pm
Christen Clifford
Raquel Cion
Stacey Karen Robinson
Heather Gold

live music by Ronnie Reshef

PSM: Emily Vartanian

308 Bowery at Bleecker Street

rsvphourglass at hotmail.com
or call 212.439.8122 x1

When replying, please include date of show +
name + # of tickets + daytime telephone

The 2007 Hourglass  Solo Lab is made possible with support from the

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
’s Fund for Creative Communities and the Greenwall Foundation.

Click here to learn more about our past work

For more information, or to add your name to our mailing list, email info@hourglassgroup.org
artwork by anke stohlmann design
website design donated by spliteye multimedia
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